
Forget 12 Roses...We Start at 25!

Valentines Flowers: Not just for Women

You may have commonly seen men lining up in queues at your town’s florists for Valentine’s flowers. Many others are seen dashing to their girlfriends on the dawn of 14th February, juggling a big bouquet in their arms and a box of chocolates in the others.

But has it become a sort of unspoken, mandatory custom for men to do the honors on Valentine’s Day? If you ask us, we all favor the reciprocation being equal and unconstrained on both sides.

So the next time you wonder if Valentine’s flowers are only for women, know they are not. Every person is special to someone and deserves a thoughtful and heartwarming floral arrangement as a token of love on 14th February.

Below, we will take a look at all the reasons why Valentine’s Flowers are Not just for Women:

1. Flowers represent many things, in addition to Love

Valentine’s Day comes once a year, and considering this day is specifically dedicated to the celebration of love, it does not limit to a specific gender. Hence, it is a celebration of all the special people in an individual’s life, be it their partner, parents, siblings, extended family, or friends.

We also know that flowers symbolize many things, including love, friendship, gratitude, encouragement, cheerfulness, and hope.

2. Flowers make a Special Gift for Every Person on Valentine’s Day

If you take some time to study the various cultures worldwide, you will discover that flowers are essential gifting options for various occasions. Even without some background knowledge of the cultures, it is hard to figure out that flowers have been a timeless choice of gifts for people of all ages.

The vibrant colors, the refreshing perfumes, and the brightness and cheer that flowers bring make them an ideal gifting option at any time and for any person. People commonly exchange flowers for representing their heartfelt emotions, be it to a male relative or friend or a female relative or friend.

Moreover, flowers are not gender-specific, and it doesn’t take only a woman to have the sense to admire the aesthetics of flowers. Nature has blessed men with the same senses that help them register, feel, and appreciate the unlimited beauty bestowed upon fresh flowers.

3. Flowers never go out of Style

You know, hardly any other gift choice can stand the test of trends and time. Even if they do, they’re often not sufficient to express your heartfelt emotions for another without the support of words.

But flowers are vastly different. Not only do they never go out of style and remain immemorial, but they also symbolize many emotions deeply. You will never have to rely on words to express what you wish and feel in your heart for another when you choose Valentine’s Flowers to do it for you.

So be it a woman or a man, the specific message every bloom conveys is the same for all. The lovely perfumes, the indescribable beauty, and the warmth that a bouquet of thoughtfully chosen flowers create impact people of all genders equally.

4. The Universal Language of Love

If we said that flowers are only meant to please women, we’d be making a gravely untrue statement. Flowers have earned the unbeatable title of the universal language of love. A bouquet of red roses or other blooms will express your admiration and love for them even if you don’t speak the same language as a special someone.

You can’t gift a bouquet of roses to a man or a bouquet of sunflowers and not expect him to feel loved, cheered, and valued by your gesture, regardless of who presents Valentine’s flowers to whom, the feelings behind the blooms get conveyed and intercepted accurately.

5. Anybody who Receives Valentines Flowers know they are Admired

Are you looking for ways to express how deeply you care about someone, such as your dad, brother, male best friend, or colleague? Then you needn’t hesitate to choose a vibrant floral arrangement to do it for you.

Men are not made differently from women regarding feelings, sentiments, and emotions. What women feel in situations, men feel the same too. If happiness, grief, thrill, trepidation, excitement, fear, and other emotions are shared equally by the genders, then sure, love impacts both the same.

You won’t fail to pull the strings of a man’s heart if you go down on your knee with a rose to express your love to a man on Valentine’s Day. Nor will your dad, brother, or favorite uncle fail to beam and grin ear-to-ear with delight when you send them a lovely bouquet to tell them your love on Valentine’s.

Since we give flowers to express emotion, they help foster more personal relationships. Surely every woman who receives Valentine’s bouquet knows they offer a special feeling. Similarly, if a woman tries to personalize a favorite flower, mood, or color, they demonstrate the time and thoughtfulness they put into thinking about the special man in their life.

6. Flowers are a Statement of Time

There’s a special flower for every special time or moment. And since Valentine’s is not just a day for women to enjoy and cherish lovely moments for their special ones, the special choice of blooms is theirs to enjoy.

Valentine’s Flowers are the perfect way to get a man into the mood for the celebration of love ahead, and all it takes is gifting him a bouquet to do it.

Symbol of Love

Flowers continue to be a timeless statement of love and affection, among other emotions. They never fail to spread positivity, hope, cheer, and warmth in the recipient’s heart. Hence, this proves that Valentine’s flowers are not just for women but for men too.

Valentine’s flowers are also not meant to be gifted to your lover. There can be many other special relationships in your life, including the love of family and friends. This Valentine’s day, make an effort to give all the special men and women in your life a symbol of your love and admiration for them.